OCR: 34 OK Let's read it together We will start with inner loop Oops have used another progr ramming jargon! When program has loop I. aRepeat statement) within another loop, we say that we have nested loops And when we have nested loopi nnehe loop the ouo that deepest the one that executed more imes So in our case the inner loop the one WRebeate4 We have seen loops like it be fore have we If we took the side side ass ignment statement out the loop fami iliar loop that draws squa ire So leaving the ass gnment stat tement out for one more mi .nute we have an outer Loop that runs 150 t imes, and each C ime draws square And all the squares are the same, so j f we ran the program wi thout the above ass .gnment sta tement we would only see one square, altbgoMation re. draws it 150 times. So now let u ...